A CONCRETE welcome


Pronunciation: /ˈkɒŋkriːt/

existing in a material or physical form; not abstract:concrete objects like stones

specific; definite:

example: I haven’t got any concrete proof

 (of a noun) denoting a material object as opposed to an abstract quality, state, or action.


We like digital media. We love books.

We launched CONCRETE PRESS because we believe that the reading experience simply works better on print than on a screen. All books looks the same on a tablet. After all, the medium is the message. At CONCRETE PRESS, we think that each book should be unique, different, personal, special.

When photography and film came along, painting was declared dead. But painting did not disappear. On the contrary, it experienced a radical reinvention, which led to the emergence of avant-garde movements and new visual styles. Similarly, printed matter is not dead. Today, printmaking and book design are experiencing a renaissance. It is precisely because books are “obsolete” that the most daring, innovative, and rewarding cultural and aesthetic experiences are happening on a page rather than on a screen.

CONCRETE PRESS was created with the specific aim of sharing ideas through ink, paper, and glue. To produce our books we use the best design, materials, techniques, workmanship, and distribution methods available. A new literary journey begins with a single page.

Concretely yours,

Matteo Bittanti
