Recent Books
Edited by Matteo Bittanti, Gemma Fantacci, Luca Miranda, Riccardo Retez
Introduced in April 2020 amidst a global pandemic, VRAL is an online platform offering screenings of machinima created by artists and filmmakers whose work lies at the intersection of video art, cinema, animation, and gaming. The program features outstanding video works selected on the basis of their cultural relevance, artistic achievement, and innovative style. This book collects all Season Three interviews.
Edited by Matteo Bittanti, Gemma Fantacci, Luca Miranda, Riccardo Retez
Introduced in April 2020 amidst a global pandemic, VRAL is an online platform offering screenings of machinima created by artists and filmmakers whose work lies at the intersection of video art, cinema, animation, and gaming. The program features outstanding video works selected on the basis of their cultural relevance, artistic achievement, and innovative style. This book collects all Season Two interviews.